The Seattle Chinese Orchestra (SCO) stands as the premier traditional Chinese orchestra in the Pacific Northwest. Dedicated to advocating and promoting traditional Chinese music within the Western world, SCO was established in 1984 by the internationally acclaimed erhu musician and educator Warren Chang. The orchestra has since been enriched by the contributions of several distinguished figures, including renowned yangqin player Ms. Buyun Zhao, celebrated conductor and pianist Roger Nelson, esteemed composer and conductor the late Mr. Zhenfen Huang, and revered cellist and teacher the late Mr. Zhenlun Li. These individuals have served as consultants and advisors, significantly shaping the orchestra's artistic direction and growth.
The premiere of the Seattle Chinese Orchestra (SCO) marked a significant milestone in the promotion of Chinese music and art on the U.S. West Coast. Since its inception, SCO has hosted over 500 large-scale concerts and major celebrations featuring both Chinese and Western music, receiving enthusiastic acclaim and warm receptions from audiences.
Over the years, with the addition of experienced musicians and dedicated music lovers, the orchestra has evolved towards greater professionalism. SCO currently comprises over fifty members, organized into four sections: bowed strings, plucked strings, woodwind, and percussion. The orchestra is led by Music Director Warren Chang, Conductor Fred Chu, and Coordination Director Angel Yan.
The SCO’s repertoire is both rich and diverse, encompassing traditional Chinese music, regional and folk pieces, and compositions by contemporary Chinese composers such as the late Mr. Zhenfen Huang. Additionally, the orchestra performs Chinese and Western music arranged by the late Mr. Zhenlun Li.
The Seattle Chinese Orchestra invites musicians and enthusiasts who are lovers of Chinese culture and traditional music to join us in advancing the appreciation of Chinese music and art. For more information about SCO and our parent organization, the Chinese Arts and Music Association, please visit our website at

西雅图国乐团是大西雅图地区唯一的中国民族乐团。成立于1984年, 为在异国他乡宏扬传播中国音乐和文化艺术作出了巨大的贡献。西雅图国乐团是由著名二胡演奏家张文龙先生所创立。张文龙先生是中国乃至美国家喻户晓的二胡演奏家和教育家。之后,并有著名扬琴演奏家赵步云女士和著名指挥家钢琴家孙罗杰先生及已故著名作曲家黄振奋先生和已故著名大提琴演奏家厉振伦先生加入乐团并担任顾问。